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October 26, 2015

King Applauds $20 Million TIGER Grant to Maine Railways Project

WASHINGTON, D.C. – U.S. Senator Angus King (I-Maine) today applauded an announcement by the U.S. Department of Transportation that it has awarded $20 million in Transportation Investment Generation Economic Recovery (TIGER) funding to the Maine Railways Project. The funding will be used to help rehabilitate approximately 380 miles of track throughout Maine.

            “Maine’s railways are economic lifelines, helping to move goods and support jobs across the state,” Senator King said. “When our railways aren’t in good working order, our economy suffers, which is why this TIGER grant is such a welcome investment. By repairing our railway infrastructure, this grant funding will enhance commerce, put Maine people to work, and keep surrounding communities safe.”

The Maine Regional Railways Project provides investment in new rail, ties, surfacing, and upgraded road crossings and signal systems on the railroad mainlines in the state. The project will rehabilitate approximately 380 miles of track throughout Maine, removing longstanding bottlenecks and creating faster and more reliable freight service. The TIGER funding will support 54 percent of the total project cost of $37,348,516. 


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