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March 27, 2024

King Announces $1.67M to Upgrade Wastewater Infrastructure in Bath

The funding was secured by the Senator in the Bipartisan FY2024 Congressionally-Directed Spending Appropriations Package

WASHINGTON, D.C. — U.S. Senator Angus King announced the City of Bath has been awarded $1,673,000 through the bipartisan Fiscal Year 2024 Congressionally-Directed Spending (CDS) appropriations package to upgrade aging wastewater infrastructure on Commercial Street. The funding will be used to upgrade a 50-year old pump system under the Sagadahoc Bridge, replace the main sewer under Commercial Street at the waterfront and improve overall wastewater capacity.

The funding is part of the $454 million — for 185 projects — that the entire Maine delegation secured for state projects in the Fiscal Year 2024 Appropriations Package.

“Proper wastewater infrastructure is critical for keeping our communities healthy and safe,” said Senator King. “This investment in Bath’s wastewater infrastructure will ensure the city is meeting water quality and safety standards, as well as work to prevent potential health hazards. In addition to keeping the community safe, the upgrades will also help maintain the beautiful Kennebec River and waterfront for years to come.”

"We’re thankful for Senator King's support of Congressionally Directed Spending for the City's Commercial Street force main and pump station,” said Bath City Manager Marc Meyers. “The City's aging infrastructure presents health and safety risks, significant financial expenses to repair or replace, and potentially limits development opportunities. This funding will reduce the financial burden on ratepayers and help Bath improve its sewer system for the betterment of our community."

The 185 FY24 Maine investments secured by the entire Maine delegation can be downloaded as an Excel spreadsheet HERE and viewed on a map HERE.

CDS funding is included in annual federal appropriations bipartisan legislation and provides a specific amount of discretionary funding to a state, locality, or nonprofit organization for projects with demonstrated civic and community value. Last year, Senator King secured over $250 million in Congressionally-Directed Spending for 140 Maine projects.

Senator King will begin accepting preliminary requests for FY25 Maine-based Congressionally-Directed Spending projects, pending updated FY25 guidance, in the upcoming weeks. Details on the FY25 CDS opportunity will be available on Senator King’s website.


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