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October 22, 2021

King Announces $1 Million to Improve Maine’s Climate Resiliency

The funding from the American Rescue Plan will help prepare Maine’s infrastructure for the coming impacts of climate change

WASHINGTON, D.C. – U.S. Senator Angus King (I-Maine) today announced that the Economic Development Administration is awarding the Maine Department of Transportation $1 million to assess the risks posed by climate change to the state’s infrastructure and support long-term economic resiliency. The program will create a coastwide model of expected sea level rises and evaluate statewide infrastructure to develop climate-ready guidance for new and existing transportation projects. The funds were allocated through the American Rescue Plan, which passed in March by a vote of 50-49 with Senator’s King’s crucial vote.

“As we continue to see the adverse impacts of climate change – from rising sea-levels to more frequent natural disasters – it’s absolutely imperative that we invest in resilient infrastructure that will support Maine’s people and economy for decades to come,” said Senator King. “These funds will help the state evaluate where and how climate change will threaten our infrastructure, allowing us to prepare in advance to mitigate the impacts and protect communities across our state. A strong response to climate change’s threats can’t wait – we need to start acting now, and these programs will help that effort. I’m grateful for all the work the Maine Department of Transportation is doing on this important issue, and glad the American Rescue Plan is continuing to supporting our state.”

“The Maine Department of Transportation is excited for this award,” said Joyce Taylor, MaineDOT Chief Engineer. “This important investment will help us to take a science based approach to better assess climate vulnerabilities, and will be an invaluable tool in predicting where public infrastructure is at risk of sea level rise and inland flooding.”

“Thanks to this grant, Maine communities will have access to vital information to help protect their critical infrastructure and improve their resilience to effects of climate change,” said Sarah Curran, Deputy Director for Climate Planning and Community Partnerships for the Governor’s Office of Policy Innovation and the Future. “We are appreciative and grateful for this important award.”

This funding will enable the Maine Department of Transportation to thoroughly study the threat climate change poses to infrastructure along Maine’s coastline and across the state. The assessment will help develop local economies that will be resilient to future economic shocks and climate change. Specifically, the state will evaluate the consequences that impairment or failure of an infrastructure asset would have on public safety, health, local economies, and the environment. The assessments will identify “critical infrastructure” that is vital to public safety, and give particular attention to areas of the state where socially vulnerable communities, vulnerable economic drivers, and vulnerable infrastructure overlap.

This grant is the latest funding from the American Rescue Plan (ARP) to support the pressing needs of Maine’s communities. Most recently, this has meant $6.65 Million to Support Smart Infrastructure,  $41 million in funding for local Maine health centers$11 million to build infrastructure for community health centers, nearly $1 million to improve testing in Maine’s at-risk communities, and $41 million in funding to improve Maine's health system.

Since its March passage, the American Rescue Plan has also delivered to Maine:

·           Over $1 million to support mental health and substance abuse disorder treatment.

·           More than $128 million to expand Maine broadband.

·           $1.6 million for Maine schools to shrink the “digital divide”.

·           A child tax credit expansion to lift 10,000 Maine children out of poverty.

·           Nearly $1.5 billion in aid to Maine’s state, county, and local governments.

·           Over $56 million in assistance for Maine’s small business community.

You can find a full overview of everything the American Rescue Plan has done for Maine here

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