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March 11, 2014

King & Colleagues Urge Action on Climate Change in Series of All Night Speeches

WASHINGTON, D.C. – Late last night, U.S. Senator Angus King (I-Maine) took to the Senate floor with fellow members of the Senate Climate Action Task Force to highlight the impact of climate change in Maine, warn against the many dangers it poses, and urge immediate legislative action by Congress to mitigate its effects.

“This isn’t a theoretical discussion. This isn’t just a science lesson. This has effects in all of our states. …In Maine, it’s the lobster – the iconic product of the coast of Maine,” Senator King said. “The center of gravity of lobstering in Maine used to be right off of Portland in Casco Bay…but over the last ten or fifteen years it’s slowly moved northward.”

“I don’t know how this or why this became a partisan issue….Somehow it’s become this divisive partisan issue and, Mr. President, it shouldn’t be,” he later continued. “This is our future that’s at stake. This is our children and grandchildren’s future. This shouldn’t be a partisan issue. In my experience, if we can develop a common understanding of the facts, we can find solutions. They won’t be easy but they’re there.”

Senator King is a strong advocate for immediate Congressional action on climate change. Last September, he spoke at length on the Senate floor to warn about the danger of climate change inaction, and in January of this year, he joined the Senate Climate Action Task Force, which is a group of lawmakers dedicated to addressing the issue.


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