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March 09, 2014

King & Colleagues to Urge Action on Climate Change

Senators will speak all-night to raise awareness of issue

WASHINGTON, D.C. – Tomorrow, Monday, March 10th, U.S. Senator Angus King (I-Maine) will join his fellow members of the Senate Climate Action Task Force in speaking on the Senate floor over the course of the night to urge action on climate change. Senator King, who is expected to speak at approximately 10:30 p.m., will address the impact of climate change in Maine.

“Climate change is a very real and dangerous threat to our future, and without action, it will have dire consequences not only at home in Maine, but around the country and the world as well,” Senator King said. “As a member of the Senate Climate Action Task Force, I am proud to join my colleagues in speaking on the floor to help raise the profile of this issue in Congress and demonstrate our commitment to tackling it head-on.”

          WHO:      U.S. Senator Angus King

          WHAT:      Remarks on climate change

          WHEN:      Monday, March 10, 2014 at 10:30 p.m. ET.

          WHERE:   Floor of the U.S. Senate

Senators will be participating on social media using the hashtag #Up4Climate. Senator King’s remarks can be viewed live here, and will be provided by his office afterward.

Senator King is a strong advocate for immediate Congressional action on climate change. Last September, he spoke at length on the Senate floor to warn about the danger of climate change inaction, and in January of this year, he joined the Senate Climate Action Task Force, which is a group of lawmakers dedicated to addressing the issue.


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