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September 16, 2020

King Advocates for Legislation to Provide Free Admission to National Parks for Gold Star Families

“Anything we can do to show our recognition of [Gold Star families’] sacrifice and our appreciation – we should do it”

WASHINGTON, D.C. – Today, U.S. Senator Angus King (I-Maine), Ranking Member of the Energy and Natural Resources Subcommittee on National Parks, advocated for committee passage of the Gold Star Families Park Pass Act, legislation introduced by Senator King which would allow free access to America’s National Parks and federal recreation sites for families of servicemembers who have died in the line of duty while serving in the military. Senator King’s push came during a hearing of the Senate Energy and Natural Resources Subcommittee on Public Lands, Forests, and Mining, which considered the legislation and heard testimony expressing support for the bill from the National Park Service and the Forest Service.

“This is a very simple bill that provides free park passes to Gold Star Families. The sacrifices that have been made on behalf of this country, by Gold Star Families, is almost unimaginable. I think anything we can do, to show our recognition of that sacrifice and our appreciation, we should do it,” stated Senator King in today’s hearing. “...This is supported by the American Legion; it is supported by the various park support groups; by the VFW. This is a very strong bill I believe. It has been introduced in the House – my cosponsors on this side are Senator Daines and Senator Alexander.”

“The good news from a budget point of view – the CBO says it does not score. The cost would be incidental and immeasurable, but the value to these families would also be immeasurable in a positive way.”  Senator King continued, “we’ve found during this epidemic that people really, seriously, value their time outdoors, and they value the great benefits that are provided by the experiences of our national parks and public lands. I’ll look forward to the consideration by the committee and I appreciate the Committee’s taking up this bill today.”

Senator King was a cosponsor of the Gold Star Family Tax Relief Act, which is now law, and fought to reverse the provision of the 2017 tax bill that exorbitantly taxed the families of U.S. servicemembers who died while on active duty. In June 2018, he helped dedicate the first Gold Star Families Memorial Marker in Maine. He has also cosponsored the Gold Star Families Support and Installation Act, a bipartisan bill that would help Gold Star families access military facilities and certain military benefits.

As a lifelong advocate for conservation, Senator King is among the Senate’s loudest voices advocating for conservation. He was one of the leaders of the “landmark” Great American Outdoors Act (GAOA), which was enacted into law earlier this year. The law includes the Restore Our Parks Acta proposal originally introduced by Senators King, Lamar Alexander (R-Tenn.), Mark Warner (D-Va.), and Rob Portman (R-Ohio) to address the existing $12 billion maintenance backlog in our national parks, including an estimated $65 million in needed repairs at Acadia National Park. In addition, the GAOA includes the Land and Water Conservation Fund (LWCF) Permanent Funding Actlegislation cosponsored by Senator King that would make $900 million available each year for the LWCF without being subject to federal appropriations. The legislative package is among the most impactful conservation laws enacted in the last century and continues Senator King’s advocacy for conservation efforts, dating back to his work prior to running for elected office, through his years as Governor, and his service in the Senate.

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