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January 20, 2020

In Orono, King Honors Legacy of Martin Luther King, Jr.

ORONO, ME – Today, U.S. Senator Angus King (I-Maine) spoke at the 2020 Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. Breakfast Celebration at the University of Maine. The event is co-hosted by the Greater Bangor Area Branch of NAACP and the UMaine Division of Student Life, and brings together hundreds of Maine people to honor Dr. King’s legacy. During his remarks, Senator King highlighted Dr. King’s commitment to justice and equality, and shared his personal experience attending the March on Washington in 1963, at which Dr. King delivered his famous I Have a Dream speech.

“On August 28th, 1963, I sat in a tree on the National Mall and watched the most powerful speaker of our time declare that he had a dream that America would finally extend ‘the unalienable rights of life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness’ to all citizens – not just those who shared the same skin tone as our founders,” said Senator King. “Dr. King’s passion and eloquence lit a new path forward for our nation by reminding us of its promise to all; in doing so, he inspired generations of Americans to work towards that goal. His legacy lives on through each of us who choose to serve our communities and fight for equality. Today, we honor Dr. King’s memory by working to advance his ideals and fulfill his promise by ensuring that the arc of the moral universe does indeed bend toward justice.”


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