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March 01, 2017

In Floor Speech, King Calls on Senate to Oppose Resolution Jeopardizing Women’s Access to Health Care

Resolution would put access to federal funds at risk for 44 health care centers serving more than 20,000 people in Maine

Planned Parenthood FS

WASHINGTON, D.C. – U.S. Senator Angus King (I-Maine) today spoke on the Senate floor in opposition to a resolution currently under consideration by the Senate that would jeopardize access to federal funding for 44 health care centers serving more than 20,000 people across Maine.

“I’ve sat in this body for four years and heard people talking about how consumers and patients should be able to choose their physicians. They should be able to choose their health care options. This was a basic principle and one of the arguments we heard as we discussed other health care issues in this body,” Senator King said. “Well, this Congressional Review Act provision would take that choice away of who they want their care to come from, and I think that is a grave disservice to those citizens – many of whom are low-income, many of whom are covered by Medicaid, many of whom do not have private health insurance.”

The Senate is currently considering a Congressional Review Act resolution of disapproval that would eliminate a regulation protecting Title X health centers. The Title X regulation clarifies and reinforces existing protections in the program to ensure that no qualified provider is excluded from eligibility for federal funding. Title X is the only federal grant program dedicated solely to providing individuals with comprehensive family planning and related preventive health services. Federal law prohibits taxpayer money from being put towards abortions.

“We’re not talking about funding abortions. We’re not even talking about funding Planned Parenthood. We’re not talking about funding these Title X health centers. We’re talking about protecting women’s health services. That’s really what this vote is about. If you vote for this, you are voting to take away reimbursement for health services that are necessary to protect the health and well-being of women across this country,” Senator King said.

To watch Senator King’s full remarks, click HERE.


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