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November 28, 2017

In Budget Committee, King Urges Caution on Rushed Tax Reform Process

“The ancient Roman historian Tacitus said, ‘Truth is confirmed by inspection and delay; falsehood by haste and uncertainty.’”

WASHINGTON, D.C. – U.S. Senator Angus King (I-Maine), a member of the U.S. Senate Budget Committee, today urged caution on rushing the proposed tax reform plan through the Senate without substantial hearings, feedback from the public, or information from experts. His remarks come days ahead of a planned vote before the full Senate on the tax cut framework.

            “We could get 70 votes, or 80 votes, for a tax reform proposal that was less damaging to the deficit, more stimulative to the economy, and more fairly distributed,” Senator King said. “[…]Let’s slow down, have a real process, get input from people all across the country, find out what this bill would actually do. Change it. Improve it. And then come out with a product that can be passed on a bipartisan basis, will be much more consistent with the needs and desires of the American people, and will make – I believe – a difference for the next generation. Instead of being a millstone, it will be an opportunity.”

This morning, Senator King joined a group of moderate Democrats to underscore the potential and desire for bipartisan compromise on tax reform. The press conference is available in full HERE.

Senator King has consistently called for a responsible, balanced, and long-term approach to addressing the United States national debt and deficit, and was named a “Fiscal Hero” in 2016 by Campaign to Fix the Debt. The Budget Committee approved the Fiscal Year 2018 budget resolution by a 12 to 11 party-line vote in October. 


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