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June 23, 2018

In Brunswick, King Honors Gold Star Families

King delivers opening remarks at dedication of the first Gold Star Families Memorial Marker for the State of Maine.

BRUNSWICK, ME –Today, U.S. Senator Angus King (I-Maine) gave remarks at a ceremony honoring Maine’s Gold Star Families at a ceremony P-3 Park at Brunswick Landing, in Brunswick. The event featured the dedication of the first Gold Star Families Memorial Marker in Maine. 

“Maine’s Gold Star families have sacrificed so much for our nation, and deserve our complete and eternal support,” said Senator King. “This Marker in Brunswick will forever mark our respect and appreciation for Gold Star families, and symbolizes our commitment to caring for them with the same dedication that their loved ones served our country.” 

The Gold Star Families Memorial Marker Project was started by the National Gardens Clubs in 2015, in cooperation with the non-profit group Gold Star Families. The Maine Marker will be the 29th such Marker placed across the country since the project’s inception. 

Senator King is a cosponsor of the Gold Star Families Support and Installation Act, a bipartisan, bicameral bill that would increase support for Gold Star families by creating a standardized policy that allows families to more easily access military facilities and certain military benefits. 

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