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December 12, 2023

Cyberspace Solarium Co-Chair Celebrates Senate Confirmation of National Cyber Director Nominee

Harry Coker has been confirmed by the Senate, providing clarity on who will succeed the position that has been without a permanent leader since February

WASHINGTON, D.C. – U.S. Senator Angus King (I-Maine), Co-Chair of the Cyberspace Solarium Commission (CSC), today released the following statement regarding the Senate confirmation of the new National Cyber Director, Harry Coker.

The National Cyber Director position has not had a Senate-confirmed leader since February 2023. The National Cyber Director plays a key role in leading the development of U.S. cybersecurity policy and strategy; the creation of the position was a key recommendation from CSC. Read the administration’s announcement HERE.

“I am relieved that the Senate has confirmed Harry Coker as the permanent replacement for the National Cyber Director position; Coker’s long and distinguished career in government has included posts in the National Security Agency, Central Intelligence Agency and the U.S. Navy. After meeting with Coker at length, I firmly believe that his experience – and the expertise and skill-set it imbued him with – makes him highly qualified for the position. Looking forward, it is important to reiterate the necessity of strong, permanent leadership in the Office of the National Cyber Director to protect our country from an increasingly dangerous threat landscape. The NCD is effectively the ‘coach’ of the U. S. cybersecurity team, and I know that Harry will work diligently and collaboratively to protect our country,” said Senator King. “I would also like to emphasize my deepest appreciation and gratitude to Kemba Walden who recently left the post of Acting National Cyber Director. During her tenure, she did fantastic work guiding our nation’s cybersecurity policy, notably developing and rolling out the National Cyber Strategy Implementation Plan. I look forward to Harry Coker’s own success in the role and will continue to support him as he leads our country forward.”

As Co-Chair of the Cyberspace Solarium Commission (CSC), Senator King is recognized as one of Congress’ leading experts on cyber defense and as a strong advocate for a forward-thinking cyber strategy that emphasizes layered cyber deterrence. Since it officially launched in April 2019dozens of CSC recommendations have been enacted into law, including the creation of a National Cyber Director.


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