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April 30, 2013

Collins, King Send Letter to President Seeking Resolution to Veterans Disability Claims Backlog

WASHINGTON, D.C.– U.S. Senators Susan Collins and Angus King, along with a bipartisan group of 65 other Senators, sent a letter to the White House urging President Obama to take direct action in ending the Department of Veterans Affairs (VA) disability claims backlog.  More than 600,000 veterans across the country are currently stuck in the backlog, with the average wait time of a claim to be processed ranging between 316 and 327 days.

“It is shameful that our courageous veterans who put everything on the line for this country are now being put on hold for the services they need and deserve,” Senator Collins said.

“Our nation’s veterans answered the call to duty and it’s far past time that we respond in kind by finding a way to reduce the unacceptably large backlog of disability claims so they can receive the care they deserve in a timely manner,” Senator King said.

“This country must be grateful for the safe homecoming of every single man and woman who has served in harm’s way,” the letter reads.  “Our joy at their return must be reflected in our commitment to helping all who have served.  We respectfully ask you and your administration to find a solution that ensures that no veterans are stuck in the VA backlog.”

Read the full letter by clicking here.


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