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April 10, 2015

Collins, King, Poliquin Applaud USITC Vote to Move Forward with Investigation Into Unfair Canadian Paper Subsidies

WASHINGTON, D.C. – U.S. Senators Susan Collins and Angus King, and Congressman Bruce Poliquin, released the following statement welcoming today’s vote by the United States International Trade Commission (USITC) to proceed with an affirmative preliminary injury determination in regards to the unfair subsidies received by the Port Hawkesbury paper mill:

“We applaud the International Trade Commission’s vote to continue investigating the unfair trade subsidies Canadian supercalendered paper producers are receiving from the Canadian government. We will continue to do everything possible, within our jurisdiction, to press the Administration to help protect Mainers and their jobs.”

With today's affirmative vote, the U.S. Department of Commerce will move forward with its investigation into unfair Canadian paper subsidies.

Earlier this week, Senators Collins and King and Congressman Poliquin sent a letter to USITC Chairwoman, Meredith Broadbent, seeking this preliminary injury determination. The legislators expressed concern that Canadian supercalendered paper producers, like the Port Hawkesbury paper mill, are benefitting from subsidies from the Canadian government at the expense of U.S. producers such as Madison Paper Industries and Verso Corporations. As a result of these subsidies, earlier this year, Madison Paper Mill briefly curtailed production and temporarily laid off most non-salaried employees for two weeks. 


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