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June 23, 2016

Bipartisan Compromise to Keep Guns from Terrorists Wins Majority Support in U.S. Senate

Senate today rejected an attempt to defeat the “No Buy, No Fly” compromise legislation offered by Collins, King, and colleagues

WASHINGTON, D.C. – U.S. Senator Angus King (I-Maine) released the following statement today after the majority of the U.S. Senate (52-46) voted in support of a bipartisan proposal offered by him and Senator Susan Collins (R-Maine) that would keep weapons out of the hands of terrorists:

            “The vote today was an encouraging step, but it can’t be the end – we need to pass this bill,” Senator King said. “This is about national security. This is about protecting our country by keeping guns out of the hands of terrorists. It’s straightforward. It’s simple. It’s common-sense. And it does not infringe on Second Amendment rights. I will continue to work with my colleagues in the hope that we can move this measure through the Senate without further delay.”

In a bipartisan majority vote today, the Senate supported the Collins’ amendment to the Commerce, Justice, and Science Appropriations bill and rejected a motion to table – or defeat – it. Because the motion to table was defeated, the amendment remains available for future consideration.

Prior to the vote, Senator King spoke on the Senate floor to call on his colleagues to move forward the compromise legislation. To watch his remarks, click HERE.


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