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February 27, 2019

Bill to Permanently Reauthorize LWCF Heads to President’s Desk to be Signed into Law

LWCF has conserved land and created outdoor recreation opportunities across the country.

Washington, D.C. – Last night, the U.S. House of Representatives approved a permanent reauthorization of the Land and Water Conservation Fund (LWCF) as part of a public lands legislative package by a vote of 363-62.  The legislation previously passed the Senate by a vote of 92-8 and now heads to the President’s desk to be signed into law.

Senators Susan Collins (R-ME) and Angus King (I-ME) have long championed LWCF.  Last month, they joined a bipartisan group in reintroducing legislation to permanently reauthorize the program. 

“LWCF is our country’s most important and successful conservation and outdoor recreation program,” said Senator Collins.  “The broad, bipartisan support LWCF received reflects the outdoor recreation opportunities this program has created in every county across the country.  Permanent reauthorization of LWCF will strengthen local conservation and recreation efforts in Maine, helping to ensure both current and future generations can enjoy the beauty of its natural resources.”

“Over the last 50 years, the Land and Water Conservation Fund has preserved public lands, supported outdoor recreation programs, and helped people across the country connect with the America’s natural beauty,” said Senator King. “The LWCF isn’t a partisan or political issue, and it should not be regularly held in limbo due to unrelated debates. By permanently reauthorizing the LWCF, we will be able to guarantee that this program will continue to serve the American public and protect our public lands for generations to come.”

In Maine, the reauthorization of LWCF is supported by L.L. Bean, Chimani, Natural Resources Council of Maine, The Nature Conservancy in Maine, Maine Conservation Voters, Appalachian Mountain Club Maine Chapter, and the Maine State Chamber of Commerce.

The LWCF was established by Congress in 1965 to ensure access to outdoor spaces for present and future generations, and to provide money to federal agencies and state and local governments to purchase land, water, and wetlands for the benefit of all Americans. The LWCF has supported more than 42,000 state and local projects in communities across the country. 

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