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August 01, 2013

August 2013 Newsletter


U.S. Trade Representative Visits New Balance at Request of Maine Congressional Delegation »

Bipartisan Group of Senators Permanently Lower Interest Rates for All Students »

King Statement on Filibuster »

Collins, King Announce Grant Funds to Help End Veterans' Homelessness »

King Applauds 579,000 EDA Grant for the City of Bangor»



Be sure to catch up with "This Week in Washington" »

Click below to See Angus pay tribute to Maine firefighters for their heroism in Lac-Megantic, Quebec.»

In Budget Committee Hearing, King calls impacts of sequester on national security a tragedy.»


Weekly Column on Student Loan Deal:

"The bipartisan plan we developed and introduced is fair to the American taxpayers and fair to our students..." 

Read more here.


Earlier in July a group of nearly 100 Boy Scouts from Maine stopped by the Capitol to meet with Maine's entire Congressional delegation.


Proud to join No Label's bipartisan group of congressional Problem Solvers.


Pleased to speak with students participating the U.S. Politics and Policy program


I was thrilled to participate in a performace of "A Lincoln Portrait," written by American composer Aaron Copland, as part of the Bowdoin International Music Festival. You can listen to the recording here.


With Maine Air National Gaurdsmen from the 101st Air Refueling Wing at Bangor.


Delighted that Judge Evert Fowle was able to stop by my office


Meeting with representatives of Maine Pretrial Services outside the Senate chamber.



Pleased to speak with Maine veterans at a ceremony honoring the 60th anniversary of the Korean War.




Edie Smith, my State Director, attends the historic removal of the Veazie Dam on the Penobscot River - a key step in the Penobscot River Restoration Project.





Victory on Student Loans

Last week's 81-18 vote in favor of the "Bipartisan Student Loan Certainty Act," which I introduced with my colleagues from both sides of the aisle, marks an important step forward for this institution, for our students, and for the nation. We have demonstrated to the American people that this body has the capacity to overcome partisan differences and act in accordance with the interests of those we were elected to represent. Our legislation offers a long-term, market-based solution, that lowers and caps interest rates for all students and finally gets Congress out of the business of setting rates. This type of good faith, give-and-take compromise is exactly how Congress should work for the country.

Read more here.


Visiting New Balance

This week I joined U.S. Trade Representative Michael Froman and Representative Michaud on a tour of New Balance's manufacturing facility in Norridgewock. Maine has a long and proud shoemaking history, and the talented men and women who work at New Balance are a part of that legacy. The purpose of our visit was to share with Ambassador Froman the critical role this industry plays in supporting Maine's economy and thousands of families across the state. Protecting these jobs is one of my highest priorities and I wanted the Ambassador to meet the people whose livelihoods are threatened by unfair trade policies.

Read more here.


My Trip to the Middle East

This July, Senate Armed Services Committee Chairman Senator Carl Levin and I traveled to Turkey and Jordan to get a firsthand look at the impact of the situation in Syria on the region and on U.S. national security interests. During our time overseas, we met with high-ranking foreign leaders, diplomats, American military commanders, U.S. troops, civilian personnel, and Syrian refugees.

One of the first things I want to say is how impressed I was with the quality of people we have working overseas. They are true professionals who are dedicated to their jobs, are idealistic, and have a great attitude about their work and all that they do. Second, we have to find a way to help orchestrate a political settlement in Syria without becoming too deeply involved. There is no question that we have national interests at stake and inaction would jeopardize those interests. Furthermore allowing that magnitude of human suffering to persist is unquestionably against our core values.

It is important to note that no one is calling for American troops on the ground. That is not what the Syrians want, it is not what other regional leaders want, and it is not what the American people want. But we can provide leadership; we can call together a coalition of countries, including Muslim and Arab countries, to coordinate pressure on Assad. This was the one consistent message we heard throughout all our meetings - the desire for Americans to provide leadership in finding a solution to this crisis.

Senators Levin & King with Syrian refugees at the Nizip 2 refugee camp in Turkey 

Based on what we saw and what we learned, Senator Levin and I have called for a summit of the “London 11” nations. This coalition must work together to increase the political and military pressure on Assad and to convince the Assad regime that momentum is not on their side and that their best option is a political solution. You can hear more about our impressions on my monthly WGAN radio show, ‘Inside Maine.’ Part one of the show can be viewed here and part two here.


Policy Update

  • The Bipartisan Student Loan Certainty Act, which I co-sponsored with Senators Joe Manchin (D-WV), Tom Coburn, (R-OK), Tom Carper (D-DE), and Lamar Alexander (R-TN), passed the Senate by a vote of 81-18. Our bill seeks to lower interest rates for 100% of borrowers who have taken out, or will take out, a new federal student loan after July 1, 2013.
  • The 21st Century Glass-Steagall Act, which I have co-sponsored with Senators Elizabeth Warren (D-MA), John McCain (R-AZ), and Maria Cantwell (D-WA), separates commercial banks from investment banks in order to make “Too Big to Fail" institutions smaller and safer, thereby minimizing the likelihood of a government bailout financed by the American taxpayer.
  • The Regulatory Improvement Act of 2013, which I introduced and is co-sponsored by Senator Roy Blunt (R-MO), creates an independent Regulatory Improvement Commission to help remove unnecessary regulatory burdens on our small businesses.

In the News

U.S. Trade Representatives and Delegation Members Talk Tariffs at Norridgewock Shoe Factory

For Syria, Lessons from the Balkan War. By Senators Levin and King 

Mike Cuzzi: Senate Action Shows Attitude Adjustment not Filibuster Reform

Mike Tipping: King Right to Take a Page from the '30s with Glass-Steagall 2.0

Senators Reach Deal on Student-Loan Rates


In State

 Members of the Maine and New Hampshire Congressional delegations meet with Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, General Martin Dempsey for a tour of the Portsmouth Naval Shipyard in Kittery, Maine.  


 Delighted to participate in the 2013 Maine Potato Blossom parade in Fort Fairfield.  

 Chatting with Earl Adams and Harry Hafford, Northern Maine Veterans Cemetery Corporation Chair, at the Veterans Cemetery in Caribou.   

 Meeting with the Houlton Town Office crew. Pictured here are Town Manager, Gene Conlogue, and Town Clerks Gail Cleary, Nedra Hanson, and Laurine Bither.


 Pleased for the opportunity to join school officials from across the state for a roundtable discussion hosted by the Maine Municipal Association. (Photo by Jill Brady) 



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4 Gabriel Drive, Suite 3
Augusta, Maine 04330
Phone: (207) 622-8292
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169 Academy St., Suite A
Presque Isle, Maine 04769
Phone: (207) 764-5124
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383 US Route 1, Suite 1C
Scarborough, Maine 04074
Phone: (207) 883-1588
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359 Dirksen Building
Washington, D.C. 20510
Phone: (202) 224-5344
Fax: (202) 224-5011
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