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March 19, 2024

ACES Caucus Co-Chairs Introduce Bipartisan Resolution Reaffirming U.S.-Canada Partnership

WASHINGTON, D.C. – Senators Angus King (I-ME) and Kevin Cramer (R-ND), co-chairs of the American-Canadian Economy and Security (ACES) Caucus, today introduced a bipartisan resolution highlighting the significance of the U.S.-Canadian relationship to promoting peace, expanding economic opportunity, and being prepared to respond to unforeseen events. Launched in June of 2023, the ACES Caucus was created to strengthen the economic and national security relationship between the United States and Canada.

The United States and Canada share the world’s longest international border, spanning 5,525 miles with 120 land ports-of-entry. The bilateral and international U.S.-Canada alliance is built upon shared interests in the areas of economic stability and trade, sustainability, energy and critical mineral supply chain, and national security. The two countries share a $1 trillion trade and investment relationship, supporting more than seven million jobs.

“The success of the United States and Canada has always been closely tied — our northern neighbors are an integral and inseparable part of our daily lives and economy,” said Senator Angus King. “I was proud to announce the formation of the American-Canadian Economy and Security (ACES) Caucus alongside my Senate Co-Chair Kevin Cramer last year, and I am excited to introduce this resolution to reaffirm our two nations’ commitment to one another. As close trade partners and allies, I look forward to strengthening this close alliance to tackle shared challenges and seize new opportunities.”

“As a Senator representing a Northern border state, I recognize the importance of the unique partnership between the United States and Canada,” said Senator Cramer.Not only are our neighbors to the north crucial economic and national security partners, but they are literally our closest ally. For North Dakotans, our families, friends, and closest communities are right across the border. This resolution celebrates our closeness but also is a testament to the enduring strength, friendship, and importance of the U.S.-Canada alliance across the country and the globe.”

“This Resolution recognizes an undeniable fact, that Canada is a central source of strength for the United States. Now more than ever, in this time of global uncertainty, the relationship between Canada and the United States must not only be protected, but deepened. The value of our partnership can be felt in every US District, and across every region of Canada, making our communities more prosperous, more resilient, safer and more secure. Thank you to Senators Cramer and King for introducing this Resolution which reminds us of the specific and substantial benefits that our partnership brings to Americans and Canadians each and every day,” said Kirsten Hillman, Ambassador of Canada to the United States.

Among other provisions, the resolution:

  1. Reaffirms the commitment of the United States to maintain and grow the critical partnership between the United States and Canada;
  2. Recognizes the strategic importance of one the most secure borders in the world, the co-management of which facilitates trade and serves as a trusted corridor for the supply chains of the United States and Canada;
  3. Recognizes that bolstering the supply chains of the United States and Canada will make each such country more competitive and more resilient in the face of economic aggression from hostile counties;
  4. Supports an increased focus on energy security through greater cross-border energy infrastructure, including infrastructure for oil, natural gas, nuclear and renewable energy, and resilient electricity transmission, and through diversifying critical minerals supply chains;
  5. Reaffirms the commitment of the United States to strengthen cooperation on shared environmental and sustainability priorities; and
  6. Recognizes that the security of one country is dependent on the security of the other, and welcomes greater collaboration in the areas of defense, cyber and technology security, and Arctic security.

In his January “Inside Maine” podcast, Senator King spoke with Senator Cramer and Canadian Consul General in Boston, Bernadette Jordan, to share their perspectives on the importance of U.S.-Canada relations and the ACES Caucus.

The resolution was also supported by U.S. Senators Bill Cassidy (R-LA), Mike Crapo (R-ID), John Boozman (R-AK), Amy Klobuchar (D-MN), John Cornyn (R-TX), Mike Rounds (R-SD), and John Fetterman (D-PA).

Click here for bill text.


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