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August 07, 2013

New Balance: Made in the USA for over 75 years

Today, 900 jobs at New Balance are threatened by current trade negotiations. The U.S. is
currently developing a regional free trade agreement, known as the Trans-Pacific Partnership,
with Australia, Brunei, Canada, Chile, Malaysia, Mexico, New Zealand, Peru, Singapore,
Vietnam, and Japan. Vietnam is the world’s second largest footwear exporter to the United
States after China. If a new trade agreement is reached, it is likely that the 20 long-standing
rubber and plastic tariffs, which our domestic shoe manufacturers rely on to remain competitive,
will be eliminated, a move that would have devastating consequences for New Balance.

Last week I joined Sen. Susan Collins and Rep. Mike Michaud in welcoming U.S. Trade
Representative Michael Froman to Maine, where he joined Representative Michaud and me in a
tour of New Balance’s manufacturing facility in Norridgewock. Maine has a long tradition of
manufacturing, and manufacturers in our state have a strong reputation for producing high
quality goods including paper products, footwear, ships, and lightweight composites. The
talented men and women who work at New Balance are an important part of that legacy.
Unfortunately, in recent years manufacturing across America has been in a steady decline.
Over the past decade more than 5 million manufacturing jobs have been cut and over 40,000
factories have shutdown nationwide. Though America is still the number one manufacturer in
the world, our competitors are rapidly closing the gap, at the expense of workers across the
country and in Maine.

New Balance is the only athletic footwear company that still produces any shoes in the United
States. They have been absolutely exemplary in their commitment to providing good-paying
manufacturing jobs here at home, and any trade agreement that costs a Mainer, or an
American, their job simply does not make sense.

The purpose of our visit this week was to share with Ambassador Froman the critical role this
industry plays in supporting Maine’s economy and hundreds of families across the state.
Protecting these jobs is one of my highest priorities and I wanted the Ambassador to meet the
people whose livelihoods are threatened by unfair trade policies.

One such individual is Sue Burns of Anson, a fourth generation shoemaker, who has been
working as a stitcher at New Balance for 14 years. Sue has already lost her job on three
separate occasions to jobs overseas. Sue has had a lifelong passion for sewing — something
she was able to turn into a career.

“A job can be a job, but when you choose the job you’re going do, you enjoy it, the people
treat you good, the company treats you even better, it just doesn’t get any better than what we
have got. I am one of the fortunate people who is doing what I like to do — I love it,” she said.

During our visit to the factory, Sue wanted the Ambassador to understand the pride she takes
in her work and how meaningful her job at New Balance is to her. She said she wants to
eventually retire from New Balance, but is worried about losing her job again. “When a job is
taken away from you the devastation is unbearable, it is unexplainable like a death in the family,you depend on it and then it is gone.”

Sue is not the only one who is worried. New Balance has a tremendously positive impact on the entire Norridgewock and Skowhegan area. Their commitment to responsible leadership
extends well beyond job creation and includes volunteer opportunities, social initiatives, and
many charitable donations. The people at New Balance care about their communities. If the
TPP forces the company to close its factory doors the ripple effect would be catastrophic.

Getting the Ambassador to agree to visit the factory was possible only after I objected to the
Senate proceeding to his nomination in mid-June. I want him, and the entire Senate, to know
just how serious of an issue this is to me, Sen. Collins, Congressman Michaud and most
importantly the families of Maine. As I said earlier, protecting these jobs is one of my highest
priorities and my resolve to do so has never been stronger.

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