Where I Stand
People who live and work and Maine also need decent places to live that don’t break the bank. Yet, across Maine, housing is way too expensive. There is no silver bullet, but there is silver buckshot — a variety of proven and creative policies that increase housing construction and make the housing we have more affordable.
What I’ve Done:
- Led and Introduced the bipartisan Accessing Credit for Rural Economies Act, which would increase the number of rural mortgages that banks are able to extend. The bill will help families live out the American Dream in nearly 390 small Maine towns.
- Supported the Affordable Housing Credit Improvement Act. Part of the bill became law in 2020, and its support is aiding the creation of new affordable homes in Maine.
- Secured FY23 congressionally-directed spending funds (part of a $53 million package) that will support Maine’s public universities to launch or expand targeted education and workforce development programs offered through UMS universities and centers in Augusta, Bangor, Brunswick, Ellsworth, Farmington, Fort Kent, Machias, Orono, Portland, Presque Isle, Rumford and Rockland.
- Introduced the Future Logging Careers Act that would help address a logging workforce shortage that exists in some areas of Maine and is expected to worsen in the coming years.
- Introduced the Developing Responsible Individuals for a Vibrant Economy (DRIVE-Safe) Act to address the driver shortage in the trucking and logistics industry, and enhance safety training and job opportunities for young truckers.